before detach ()
before detach ()
H3 Garden, Str. Popa Nan 82, Bucuresti
9 - 13 septembrie 2020, Ora 18:00

Info eveniment

H3 Garden is a project by H3 selected by Ars Electronica, a multi-disciplinary event designed to look into the quest for identity in an ever-changing world. The identity of the self, as well as of the inner and outer landscapes, it inherently shapes: perception, a specific location and its surroundings. The event casts a new perspective on these altered realities by putting together a human-robot performance, an exhibition of interactive installations produced in Bucharest, and an experiment on perception within a new type of music experience, Kaustik Nights.


Who Am I is the first human-robot performance taking place in România, selected by Ars Electronica to be a part of the 2020 Festival.


Concept: H3 & Adrian Damian,

Director and writer: Alexandru Berceanu,

Scenography: Adrian Damian,

Choreography: Andrea Gavriliu,


Motion design: Andrei Mitișor, Sebastian Comănescu,

Video design: Dilmana Yordanova, Răzvan Pascu,

Light design: Cristian Șimon,

Music & Sound Design: Vlaicu Golcea, Kinga Otvos,

Costumes: Luiza Enescu,

Performers: Andrea Gavriliu, Mădălina Ciotea, Vlad Bîrzanu, Anda Saltelechi, Meda Victor, Eduard Trifa


Kaustik Nights


9 septembrie - Omul cu Șobolani

10 septembrie - Cred Că Sunt Extraterestru

11 septembrie - Electric Brother

12 septembrie - Șuie Paparude

13 septembrie - om la lună


Pass H3 Garden

(includes acces to Who Am I performance, before detach() exhibition and Kaustik Night concert)


Pass Kaustik Nights

(includes acces to Kaustik Nights concert and before detach() exhibition)

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